Manjaro and Pop!_OS

    Linux is a Unix-like, open source and community-developed operating system (OS) for computers, servers, mainframes, mobile devices and embedded devices. It is supported on almost every major computer platform, including x86, ARM and SPARC, making it one of the most widely supported operating systems. Manjaro and Pop!_OS are two of the most popular Linux distributions taking second and fourth places in Distrowatch’s distro rankings. 


For starters, Manjaro is an Arch-based distro, whereas Pop!_OS is Ubuntu-based. For all the Linux beginners out there. If you’re afraid of installing programs via the terminal, Manjaro has a great package manager called Pamac. It’s all you need to install and uninstall packages from AUR (Arch user repository), Snap, Flatpak, and the official repositories. AUR is the reason why most people like Arch. It’s simple, super easy to use, and has thousands of community-built packages. Pop!_OS also gives you an option to choose between official APT repositories or Flatpak. AUR has its own disadvantages like security as the packages are packages by other users, but a beginner Linux user would definitely prefer Manjaro for package management. Apart from package management, Manjaro also provides easy Kernel switching. Both Manjaro and Pop!_OS are considered great distros for gaming. Pop!_OS has a dedicated ISO image with Nvidia drivers installed, which saves you from the hassle of installing Nvidia drivers. On the other hand, you can install Nvidia drivers in a few clicks in Manjaro settings. Manjaro also automatically detects computer’s hardware (e.g. Graphics cards) The gaming performance on both the distros is quite good. Manjaro Blows Past Ubuntu in Speed.

To sum it up in a few words, Pop!_ OS is ideal for those that frequently work on their PC and need to have lots of applications open at the same time. Ubuntu works better as a generic “one size fits all” Linux distro. If you’re new to Linux, Pop!_OS could be an ideal choice as everything in it works out of the box. If you’re an intermediate Linux user who’s tired of Ubuntu and GNOME and wants to try out Arch or who has an ancient PC, Manjaro Xfce is a great distro.
